Oral vaccines for fish


​Turbot fry live feed

​Enchytraeids as Live Feed for Aquaculture

​Discovery of 3 new species

FishLab articles and reports published over the years. Click on title for link to full text.​

The Distribution of Pseudodiaptomus marinus in European and Neighbouring Waters—A Rolling Review. Uttieri, M.; Anadoli, O.; Banchi, E.; Battuello, M.; Be¸siktepe, ¸S.; Carotenuto, Y.; Marques, S.C.; de Olazabal, A.; Di Capua, I.; Engell-Sørensen, K.; et al. (2023). J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11,1238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse11061238

A new strategy in rearing of European flounder: using live Enchytraeus albidus to enhance juvenile growth. Holmstrup, M.E., Gadeberg, S.F., Engell-Sørensen, K., Slotsbo, S., & Holmstrup, M. (2022). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 8(11), 1333-1342. DOI: 10.3920/JIFF2021.0106.

Pichia pastoris yeast as a vehicle for oral vaccination of larval and adult teleosts. Embregts, C. W., Reyes-Lopez, F., Pall, A. C., Stratmann, A., Tort, L., Lorenzen, N., Engell-Sørensen K., Wiegertjes G. F., Forlenza M., Sunyer J. O, Parra, D. (2018, July 27). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, pii: S1050-4648(18)30431-5. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2018.07.033

Exploring the effect of phage therapy in preventing Vibrio anguillarum infections in cod and turbot larvae. Rørbo N, Rønneseth A, Kalatzis PG, Rasmussen BB, Engell-Sørensen K, Kleppen HP, Wergerland HI, Gram L, Middelboe M.  Antibiotics, 2018 May 16; 7(2). pii:E42. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics7020042.

Comparison by light microscopy and qPCR of potentially ichthyotoxic microalgae in Danish on-shore lagoons producing European flounder (Platichthys flesus): Pros and cons of microscopical and molecular methods. Eckford-Soper, L., Daugbjerg, N., Nørremark, L., & Engell-Sørensen, K. (2018). Harmful Algae News, 24-27. http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1354/html5/

Seasonal variation in the prevalence of equine tapeworms using coprological diagnosis during a seven-year period in Denmark. Engell-Sørensen, K., Pall, A., Damgaard, C., Holmstrup, M., 2018. Vprsr (2018), doi:10.1016/j.vprsr.2018.01.002.

A production season of turbot larvae Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758) reared on copepods in a Danish (56°N) semi-intensive outdoor system. Jepsen, P. M., Jakobsen, H. H., Rayner, T. A., Blanda, E., Novac, A., Engell-Sørensen, K. and Hansen, B. W. (2017), Aquaculture Research, 48: 4958–4974. doi:10.1111/are.13314.

Comparative assessment of Vibrio virulence in marine fish larvae. Rønneseth, A., Castillo, D., D'Alvise, P., Tønnesen, Ø., Haugland, G., Grotkjær, T., Engell-Sørensen, K., Nørremark, L., Bergh, Ø., Wergeland, H. I. and Gram, L. (2017), Journal of Fish Disease, 40: 1373–1385. doi:10.1111/jfd.12612.

PROGRESS TOWARDS TARGETING DISEASE PROPHYLAXIS IN EUROPEAN FISH FARMING (TARGETFISH). Wiegertjes G, Lorenzen N, Secombes CJ, Collet B, Fischer U, Tafalla C, Parra D, Scapigliati G, Boudinot P, Evensen O, Munang'Andu HM, Adams S, Toffan A, Buchmann K, Vesely T, David L, Mulero V, Smith P, Aspehaug V, Engell-Sørensen K, Sober J, Willis T, Rød T, Flores M, Stratmann A, Christofilogiannis P, Tobar J, Henriksen NH, Sigholt T and De Las Heras A (2016).  Front. Vet. Sci. Conference Abstract: AquaEpi I - 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FVETS.2016.02.00013.

Ichthyotoxicity of the microalga Pseudochattonella farcimen under laboratory and field conditions in Danish waters. Andersen NG, Hansen PJ, Engell-Sørensen K, Nørremark LH, Andersen P, Lorenzen E, Lorenzen N (2015).  Dis Aquat Org 116:165-172. https://doi.org/10.3354/dao02916.

Plankton composition and biomass development: a seasonal study of a semi-intensive outdoor system for rearing of turbot. Jakobsen, H.H., Jepsen, P.M., Blanda, E., Jørgensen, N.O.G., Novac, A., Engell-Sørensen, K. and Hansen, B.W. (2016),  Aquacult Nutr, 22: 1239–1250. doi:10.1111/anu.12328.

Ll. Torup gaslager vedligeholdelseprojekt. Overvågning i Lovns Bredning og Hjarbæk Fjord ifm pilotprojekt. DMM, CK, HSN, MASF, KES, CK, JCXS, 2014. Rambøll Oil & Gas.

Fish Ecology in Fehmarn belt. Baseline Report. Report no. E4TR0038 – Volume I. Fish and Fisheries. FeBEC consortium, 2013. Subcontractor of Orbicon for FeBEC/Fehmarn belt A/S.

Acidic Lugol’s solution as an effective fixative for flounder eggs. Engell-Sørensen, K., Holmstrup, M. and Leonhard, S. B. (2012), Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 261–263. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01884.x.

Background report for the EIA report on egg and larvae investigations of the Fixed Link of Fehmarn Belt. Engell-Sørensen, K and Pedersen, J, 2011. Fish Eggs and Larvae - Final report/Technical baseline report and input for Baseline report of Fish and Fishery. Subcontractor of Orbicon for Fehmarn belt A/S.

Ll. Torup lagerudvidelse. DMM, MIBR, Carsten Krog, Kirsten Engell-Sørensen, 2011. Baselinemontering 2009-10. Rambøll Oil & Gas.

Anvendelse af backtracking til bestemmelse af gyde- og klækningsområder for fisk. Engell-Sørensen, K, Hansen, IS Arenas, JA and Pedersen, J, 2010. Præsentation på Dansk Havforskermøde 2011.​

Preservation of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi using acidic Lugol's solution. Kirsten Engell-Sørensen, Per Andersen, Martin Holmstrup. Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 31, Issue 8, 1 August 2009, Pages 917–920, https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbp030

Production and biochemical composition of eggs from neritic calanoid copepods reared in large outdoor tanks (Limfjord, Denmark). Sørensen, TF, Drillet, G, Engell-Sørensen, K, Hansen, BW & Ramløv, H (2007). Aquaculture, vol 263, no. 1-4, pp. 84-96. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.12.001.

Influence of storage conditions on viability of quiescent copepod eggs (Acartia tonsa Dana): effects of temperature, salinity and anoxia. Holmstrup, M., Overgaard, J., Sørensen, T. F., Drillet, G., Hansen, B. W., Ramløv, H. and Engell-Sørensen, K. (2006). Aquaculture Research, 37: 625–631. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2006.01472.x​

Rearing of flounder (Platichthys flesus) juveniles in semi-extensive systems. Engell-Sørensen, K & Støttrup, JG, Holmstrup, M, 2004. Aquaculture 230, 475-491.

Registration of Fish Communities and fish eggs around the Halfdan-Oil Field. Data reports and final Report (in Danish). Brünner, L; Engell-Sørensen, K; Klaustrup, M and Knudsen, F, (2003). Bio/consult as for Maersk Olie og Gas.

Registration of Fish Stocks, Eggs and Larvae around the Siri-Oilfield. Data reports.and final report. Brünner, L; Engell-Sørensen, K; Klaustrup, M and Knudsen, F, (2003). Bioconsult as for DONG A/S.

Baseline study 2001, Fish, fry and commercial fishery Nysted offshore Wind Farm at Rødsand. Hvidt, CB, Engell-Sørensen, K and Klaustrup, M, 2003.  Status report prepared by Bio/consult as, Doc. no. 2149-03-001.rev2.doc. SEAS Distributions A.m.b.A.

Possible effect of the offshore wind farm at Vindeby on the outcome of fishing. Possible effects of electromagnetic fields and noise. Engell-Sørensen, K., 2002. SEAS, February 2002.

Evaluation of the Effect of Noise from Offshore Pile-Driving on Marine Fish. Engell-Sørensen, K & Skyt, PH, 2002. SEAS, DK

Evaluation of the Effect of Sediment Spill from the Offshore Wind Farm Construction on Marine Fish. Engell-Sørensen, K & Skyt, PH, 2002. SEAS, DK.



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